Facial rejuvenation, sometimes called cosmetic acupuncture, helps to counteract the effects of aging by increasing collagen production. Acupuncture plumps up your skin and reduces the fine facial lines. This treatment uses thin needles to improve blood flow and oxygen to the skin for a more youthful glow.
Beautiful skin relies on a healthy flow of blood and energy to the face. Your skin is a reflection of your health, and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine; skin issues are caused by internal imbalances which may manifest as fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffy eyes, dry skin, and rosacea.
Many men and women turn to Botox and other types of cosmetic fillers to help reduce the signs of aging. Unfortunately, these fillers only work temporarily and are extremely expensive. Within weeks, the fillers begin to break down, and wrinkles and fine lines reappear.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture) is a non-invasive treatment using very fine needles over the face and body to help reduce the signs of ageing. Acupuncture addresses both internal and external factors to stimulate natural collagen production, blood circulation and improve muscle tone. The treatment targets the underlying process of aging rather than masking the signs on the surface.
An initial treatment consists of a full assessment of the face and any underlying health concerns. Acupuncture needles are inserted on the body to address underlying health issues (insomnia, headache, pain, digestion, etc.).
Facial rejuvenation, sometimes called cosmetic acupuncture, helps to counteract the effects of aging by increasing collagen production. Acupuncture plumps up your skin and reduces the fine facial lines. This treatment uses thin needles to improve blood flow and oxygen to the skin for a more youthful glow.
Beautiful skin relies on a healthy flow of blood and energy to the face. Your skin is a reflection of your health, and according to Traditional Chinese Medicine; skin issues are caused by internal imbalances which may manifest as fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffy eyes, dry skin, and rosacea.
Many men and women turn to Botox and other types of cosmetic fillers to help reduce the signs of aging. Unfortunately, these fillers only work temporarily and are extremely expensive. Within weeks, the fillers begin to break down, and wrinkles and fine lines reappear.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (also known as Cosmetic Acupuncture) is a non-invasive treatment using very fine needles over the face and body to help reduce the signs of ageing. Acupuncture addresses both internal and external factors to stimulate natural collagen production, blood circulation and improve muscle tone. The treatment targets the underlying process of aging rather than masking the signs on the surface.
An initial treatment consists of a full assessment of the face and any underlying health concerns. Acupuncture needles are inserted on the body to address underlying health issues (insomnia, headache, pain, digestion, etc.).
Treatment scheduling varies based on age and the signs of ageing that are present. For those with minimal signs of ageing preferring preventative treatments, one to two treatments a month is recommended.
For those with more noticeable lines, reduced muscle tone or age spots; eight treatments weekly or biweekly are recommended. It may take 4 to 8 treatments to notice a change in the appearance of the skin of fine lines and muscle tone.
After the first 8 weeks, monthly treatments are recommended to maintain the benefits of Facial & Body Rejuvenation Acupuncture.
For those with more noticeable lines, reduced muscle tone or age spots; eight treatments weekly or biweekly are recommended. It may take 4 to 8 treatments to notice a change in the appearance of the skin of fine lines and muscle tone.
After the first 8 weeks, monthly treatments are recommended to maintain the benefits of Facial & Body Rejuvenation Acupuncture.
RATES VARY according to the type, length and frequency of the treatments. Please inquire by emailing [email protected]
To schedule your appointment or receive more information :
email [email protected] WhatsApp +506-2682 0360 |