"Free Fascia Ready" is a series of exercises that activate and elongate the myofascial chains. It was created by Sports physiologist phd Leandro Ferreira who is based in Valencia, Spain.
Even though we have known of the existence of the fascia for a very long time, it is only recently (the past 20 years) that scientists have reason to believe that fascia plays a very important role in the proper functioning of all our bodily systems. Fascia is a fascinating web of collagen fibers, elastin and a gel-like substance that connects everything in the body. It wraps around and is enmeshed in and around our muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments, our nerves, our blood and lymphatic vessels, and our organs. It connects, integrates and communicates all the bodily systems. The fascia facilitates the synergy our body is designed to have. Synergy = interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents, to produce a combined effect great than the sum of their separate efforts. Our fascia is constantly adapting to what we are doing in our life, what is happening with our various bodily systems. It also adapts to and is negatively affected by lack of physical activity, sedentarism and by overuse, injuries and traumas, may these be physical, emotional or mental. When it is negatively affected, parts of the fascia become dense, rigid, stiff or disorganized, leading to a loss of function, and a loss of the balance of tension and compression that we have in our body. Discomfort and pain can appear in sites of our body, often away from the dysfunctional and restricted fascial tissue. In our musculoskeletal system, fascia organizes itself into myofascial chains that connect various muscles in our body. Their existence is what allows us to have more force output and be more efficient in our movements. The evidence of the existence of various of the myofascial chains identified in our body has been proven through scientific research and studies. With the Free Fascia Ready routine we stimulate, activate and elongate the various myofascial chains in our body. A regular practice can contribute to less pain and discomfort in your body, and better function. It is a great way to start your day, to warm up before practicing sports and to break up your desk work. It keeps you loose and limber and ready for your day of activities. Learn the 12 exercises included in the Free Fascia Ready series by booking a couple of sessions with Jane Marchant, PT (email [email protected]). Once you have learned how to perform the 12 exercises, commit to a daily practice for at least a week. Jot down in a journal how you feel when you get out of bed first thing in the morning, how you felt during the day and how you feel at the end of the day. Note any changes about how your body feels if you warm up with this routine before playing your favorite sports, or break up you day of desk work by doing a few of the exercises. After the private sessions with Jane, she will provide you with a link to a Vimeo showcase with detailed instructions for each exercise and one of the full series performed at a regular speed, synchronized with breathing and 5 repetitions of each exercise. You can however also perform the routine slowly, with 3 repetitions, or very very slowly with 1 repetition done in a mindful meditative way. 1. Morning Bell 2. Embrace 3. Archer 4. Dancer 5. Backhand 6. Rainbow 7. Corkscrew 8. Wave 9. Arch 10. Angel Wings or Snow Angels 11. Pocket Knife or Swiss Knife 12. I am Ready
November 2024